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Grade 1
Introduction to Computer
Operating System
Introduction to Excel Sheet
Introduction to Ms-Word
Typing club
Auto Draw
Grade 2
Introduction to Computer
Operating System
Introduction to Ms-Word
Untitled Draw
Auto Draw
Typing club
Internet Safety
Introduction to PowerPoint
Grade 3
Labs Rules and Regulations
Introduction to Ms-Word
Typing club
Auto Draw
Story board
Introduction to Excel Sheet
Operating System
Internet Safety
Introduction to PowerPoint
Grade 4
Lab Rules & Regulations
Introduction to Ms- Word
Google Forms
Google Auto-Draw
Introduction to Excel Sheet
Coding: Tynker
Typing Club
Introduction to Computer
Operating System
Introduction to PowerPoint
Logo Design
Wix Website
Story Board
Google sites
Internet Safety
Search Engines
Grade 5
Lab Rules & Regulations
Introduction to MS Word
Google Forms
Google Auto-Draw
Introduction to Excel Sheet
Introduction to PowerPoint
Coding: Tynker
Typing Club
Introduction to Computer
Operating System
Logo Design
Wix Website
Introduction to flowchart
Story Board
Creative Media(Animation & Green Screen)
Grade 6
Lab Rules & Regulations
Introduction to Excel Sheet
Google Forms
Google Auto-Draw
Coding: Tynker
Typing Club
Introduction to Computer
Operating System
Introduction to PowerPoint
Logo Design
Wix Website
Computer operating System
Introduction to flowchart
Story Board
Introduction to Database(DBMS)
Wix video
Use tab to navigate through the menu items.
Logo Design
A symbol or other small design adopted by an organization to identify its products, uniform, vehicles, etc.
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